Both the cartoons above and below show the threat of Russia to Turkey and Europe. The cartoon above shows British attitudes and fears of Russia (the bear) gaining control of the Turkish Empire. The cartoon below shows Russia as an octopus spreading West and East. A direct threat to British and French interests.

Threat of Russian Empire to Britain
Russia expanding in Black Sea area threat to British India
'Sick old man of Europe' Ottoman (Turkish)empire collapsing - competition for land/control
Turkey controlled access to the Black Sea from the Mediterranean
Russia wanted ice free ports for its fleet
Britain wanted access to Black Sea in friendly hands for its own access therefore didn't want Russia to have control
Turks accused by Russia of mistreating Orthodox Christians
Ultimatum sent by Russians to Turks
Turks rejected it
Russia entered Moldavia and Wallachia - which were not part of Turkish empire but bordered it
Britain and France sent a fleet to support Turks
Diplomats of all countries tried to avoid war
HOWEVER Sultan of Turkey boosted by belief Britain and France would support Turkey (to avoid its collapse and Russia getting domination) declared war on Russia
The Crimean War had officially started for Russia and Turkey October 1853.
Britain and France would enter the war April 1854 when there fleet arrived in the Dardanelles (the small area between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea - look at the maps below).
As more and more British troops arrived the moved from Constantinople to Scutari

Tensions with Russia
Fleet sent to support Turkey
British fleet arrives at Constantinople
Movement of troops to Scutari
May 1854 - British and French troops deployed at Varna
Russian retreat
Threat to Turkey over
Popular support in Britain pressure for Lord Raglan to push British troops on
Aim to capture main Russian naval base at Sebastopol and remove threat of Russian fleet
Sept 1854 Battle of Alma - number of British mistakes but victory
Sept 1854 Siege of Sebastopol the Russian port beings by British and French
Oct 1854 Battle of Balaclava - attempt by Russian to break Siege by attack British supply base - Thin Red Line holds
Oct 1854 Charge of the Light Brigade
Nov 1854 Battle of Inkerman - Russian fail to break British army siege
Nov 1854 Nightingale arrives at Scutari
Jan 1855 Harsh Russian winter
Spring 1855 Seacole's British Hotel established
Sept 1855 Russia evacuate Sebastopol
Feb 1856 Armistice agreed in Crimea
30th March 1856 Treaty of Paris signed
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