Short answer - NO especially the winter of 1854-1855 - series of mistakes from military commanders.
-Supply did not meet the demand from the army
Government in London had been gathering supplies - set Oct 1954
-Lord Cardingan refused to have horses killed - could have been used for food - horses eventually died of starvation anyway.
-Storm 1854 made thing worse - supply boats went out to sea rather than stay in harbour ships sank e.g. Resolute and the steamship Prince
-Lack of communication and coordination between parts of the government and military.
-All brought to public attention by Russell
Spring 1855 things began to improve -
- administration improved
- central depot for supplies
- Turkish labour made a railway line
- other transport for supplies e.g. mules.
- Those selling or stealing supplies controlled
- Clothes, boots and even fresh meat/fruit
- Progress was slow but did improve
How effective was the medical care?
Reflected medical knowledge at the time
War ready medical service built from scratch
Led initially by Andrews Smith
Misinformed of troop numbers
Limited wagons, no stretcher bearers and no doctors
Use army pensioners as stretcher bearers - disastrous move.
Conflict with Raglan - believe space on ships was for troops therefore less medical assistants
Doctors recruited on volunteer basis - caused problems
Hospital ships taken over as troop ships
Same issue with medical supplies
Organisation heavily criticised

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